Guided Meditation: Equanimity

Guided Meditation: Equanimity

This 21-minute guided practice with Heather Fenton begins with mindfulness of breath in the body and then shifts into a contemplation of equanimity (upekkha). Equanimity is unwavering balance of mind rooted in insight.  As we maintain sensitivity and presence in the...
Unwavering Balance of Mind

Unwavering Balance of Mind

Equanimity, in the context of Buddhist philosophy, refers to a state of mental balance and stability. It is often described as an even-mindedness or impartiality that remains steady and unaffected by the ups and downs of life. We cultivate equanimity by maintaining...
Day 80 Zoom Check In

Day 80 Zoom Check In

Today’s zoom check in call is about equanimity (upekkha), which is unwavering balance of mind that is rooted in insight. Join us Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 8:30pm ET and we’ll do a check in on your 100 Days progress, recapping our recent topic, patience (khanti)...
Guided Meditation: Patience

Guided Meditation: Patience

This 16-minute guided practice with Heather Fenton begins with mindfulness of breath in the body and then shifts into a contemplation of patience (khanti). We refine patience on the cushion by allowing the breath to be as it is, receiving it fully, neither ‘leaning...
A Recipe for Patience

A Recipe for Patience

We might think that patience is a kind of ‘grin and bear’ it practice — a kind of muscle down and endure attitude. This can come with a sense that we are waiting for conditions to change, and when they finally do, then we’ll be happy. But wise patience has a...