Enjoy the resonance of a generous heart (Day 51)

Enjoy the resonance of a generous heart (Day 51)

Day 51 and we begin to explore generosity (dana). The ‘far-reaching’ attitude of giving is an intention to give that is grounded in an understanding of the interdependent nature of things. What does that mean?Well, firstly, generosity is an intention to give. Just the...
Lean into what is wholesome (Day 43)

Lean into what is wholesome (Day 43)

Energy is our focus for Days 41-50 of the 100 Days of Care. The perfection of effort or energy (virya parami) is a letting go of what is unwholesome and a leaning into or moving toward what is wholesome. THE FOURFOLD APPLICATION OF ENERGY Put aside what is unhelpful,...
Aware of impulses (Day 38)

Aware of impulses (Day 38)

“Where would I find enough leatherTo cover the entire surface of the earth?But with leather soles beneath my feet,It’s as if the whole world has been covered.” ― Shantideva To walk an awakening path is to cultivate virtue or ‘good conduct’ — thoughts, words and...