Day 25: We practice truthfulness internally (investigating our thoughts, feelings and beliefs) and externally (we notice the impulse and intentions behind our speech and actions).
Truthfulness is most clearly understood as ‘non-deception.’ As with other qualities defined by the Buddha: lovingkindness is ‘non-hatred’ and wisdom is ‘non-confusion’ or ‘non-ignorance’ — or even more clearly, wisdom is ‘not ignoring.’

How is truthfulness practiced?
1. We begin to pay attention to our thoughts, speech and actions. What is driving us? What impulses are behind the things we say and do?
This requires that we SLOW DOWN and BE MINDFUL.
2. In the pauses created by our mindfulness, we begin to abandon (refrain from) saying and doing what is harmful.
3. And, we begin to intentionally say and do things from a space of love and care for oneself and others.