Cultivating Curiosity and Kindness

100 Days of Care Practice Blog

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Fourfold Effort

Apr 1, 2023

Taking good care of ourselves and others involves knowing where we are putting our energy and seeing clearly—mindfully observing—the results of our efforts.

We will then start to understand how to use energy to effect wise results.

The perfection of energy (viriya parami) is simple but not necessarily easy.

If we want to have a healthy body, we eat healthy, prioritize sleep and regular exercise. This may mean setting limits, breaking bad habits, practicing restraint, encouraging ourselves to try new things.

If we want a healthy mind, we need to work out what leads to peace and wisdom. This may mean setting limits around where we place our attention, breaking bad habits of thought, practicing restraint with our thoughts and speech, and encouraging ourselves to try new ways of thinking and being.

“Energy has a fourfold application: first, to put aside what you feel is unhelpful, and secondly to keep guarding the mind against such unskilful influences; then thirdly to establish what you sense is good, and lastly to support and encourage those skilful influences. And it requires wise discernment, advice from experienced people and trial and error to know what’s appropriate in a given situation.” — Ajahn Sucitto


Image credit: @selfcareexpress

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You’re invited to practice with us weekly in person in Port Colborne, Ontario or live online on Zoom.

Insight Meditation, Wednesdays 7pm ET (90 mins), with Heather Fenton Start and/or maintain a regular meditation practice. Each week, guided meditations are combined with instructions for bringing mindfulness into daily living. This meditation class is offered freely.

Insight Yoga + Meditation, Thursdays 7:30pm ET (75 mins), with Heather FentonCultivate physical and mental suppleness in a 75-min class blending movement and meditation. Pricing for these classes depends on frequency and other factors.

Book now! or email us at if you’d like more info.