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The perfection of energy is a mind that delights in goodness. Goodness or Virtue refers to states of mind that lead towards openness and ease such as wisdom, compassion, and all the other paramis (perfections) — determination, lovingkindness, truthfulness, composure, generosity, renunciation, patience and equanimity.

On the cushion, in meditation, our effort is easeful. We delight in the basic fact of our consciousness. We bring just enough effort to touch our experience — to cognize contact, intention and attention. We steady the mind with a level of intensity that we could keep up all day long — meaning we keep ourselves relaxed and composed while remaining alert and curious.

Off the cushion, in our daily life, we notice goodness (in ourselves and others) and we allow ourselves to resonate with it.

Traditionally listed fifth of ten ‘perfections’, Effort or Energy remains in the fifth position for the for the 100 Days of Care program as we follow the example of Thanissaro Bhikkhu in re-organizing our contemplation of the perfections.

This 20-minute guided practice with Heather Fenton begins with mindfulness of breath in the body and then shifts into a contemplation on developing an easeful attitude that delights in goodness and is ultimately mixed with the wisdom of selflessness (emptiness, not self, anattā).

Listen on YouTube.

Listen on Insight Timer.