The perfection of DETERMINATION is the UNWAVERING resolve to undertake activity for the good of self and others, accompanied by COMPASSION and SKILFULL MEANS.
The most powerful activity we can undertake to benefit ourselves and others is to end the war inside us, to bring a lasting peace to our heart-mind.
Peace doesn’t mean a mincing, people-pleasing, suppressing, ‘I’ll be a doormat’ kind of resignation.
We’re not ending feelings. We’re not ending thoughts.
We’re ending confusion about the nature and source of lasting happiness, well-being and peace.
Hint: it’s an inside job.
We end ill-will by ending it in our own heart-mind.
We end greed by ending it in our own heart-mind.
We end confusion by ending it in our own heart-mind.
Determination is recalling this again and again, and resolving to make our inner work of finding clarity and peace our TOP priority.