Wonderful to connect with those of you who made it yesterday to the Day 10 Zoom Check In. We did not record the session, but I will record a guided meditation on lovingkindness and share it soon!
Lovingkindness (metta) is the theme of Days 11-20 of our 100 Days of Care. This quality of heart-mind, sometimes translated as ‘goodwill’ or ‘benevolence,’ is an attitude of unconditional friendliness directed toward living beings — both our self and others.
Cultivating lovingkindness serves to reduce and remove the tendency to experience ill-will or hatred. In practicing friendliness we let go of resentment and fear and begin to more easily see the good in both our self and others.
We could say, as in the quote from Sharon Salzberg’s book ‘Real Happiness,’ that love is a high-quality presence or attention. In paying complete attention, with curiosity, there is no room for holding an opinion. We are simply open, receptive, wondering.
The space of that open-heartedness ‘fosters an unshakeable well-being.’