Resolve (determination) is a foundation that supports all of our practice. We cultivate it so that we can follow through with our intentions.
There may be some amount of will or strength necessary, but a key feature of creating determination is to see clearly and understand deeply how cause and effect rules our experience.
We moderate and supervise resolve with this understanding: when this arises, that arises. We must see first how our actions play out. And then we exercise our choice in favour of our own and others well-being.
As we repeat this exercise — favouring well-being over short-term gratification — we gain the strength of resolve.
“So as with all the other perfections, wisdom is involved: the wisdom that is in touch with cause and effect, and can get a handle on what and what not to follow. It’s good to review: is what I’m involved with for my welfare and for the welfare of others, and if not, why do it? Any such enquiry which is sustained for ten minutes, or a day [or 100 Days :)] or a year, goes against the passivity, indifference or blind willpower that consigns us to the floods (confusion).”
Practice example: Today I will notice my thoughts, speech and actions. What impulses do I tend to follow? How am I shaping and sustaining a direction in life?
Quoted text is from the book, Parami: Ways to Cross Life’s Floods, by Ajahn Sucitto
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